Advancing The Kingdom, Through Everyday Actions.

Connecting the body

Finding local, Kingdom of Christ minded businesses has never been easier...

Power in unity

We're unique from ANY other marketplace based on what Jesus said in John 17...


Solutions in one place

United City Marketplace makes running my business easier than ever due to how it integrates with everything.

Our goal for the marketplace is not only to provide products and services you need but, to help the community of Christ purchase those items from one another without the "world" being involved in our transactions. 

By limiting how much of a foothold we allow the enemy in the community of Christ, the less we open ourselves up to attack and destruction from the world that hates us. It's about insulation, not isolation.

How the marketplace works

We're not "just an alternative" to big tech, we're doing something that's both revolutionary and historic.

Design & development for the future

Finding ways to insulate the community of Christ while still connecting the whole body in the 21st century.